Rare Birds Seek Refuge Near Toxic Wastes

posted in: December 1991 | 0

Sparkling blue water laps against graveled shores. Waterbirds by the hundreds feed on an abundant supply of insects, larvae and fingerlings. Rising from a stand of mangroves, a broad rainbow spreads its brilliant palette across a slaty sky. Welcome to … Continued

Oil Contamination is Pervasive

posted in: December 1991 | 0

The Navy has surveyed a number of sites in the Pearl Harbor area where fuel leaks, dumps, and spills are suspected of having contaminated soil or water. In some areas, oil contamination is so widespread, and the number of possible … Continued

Officers' Club and School Among PCB Sites

posted in: December 1991 | 0

For many years, the deadly properties of PCBs – short for polychlorinated biphenyls – were not well known. What was known was that this family of chemicals, used as a coolant in electrical transformers, made a great weed killer. Consequently, … Continued

The Navy's 'Superfund Six'

posted in: December 1991 | 0

The Environmental Protection Agency conducted a review of the Pearl Harbor naval complex in 1990. Its Hazard Ranking System report, nominating Pearl Harbor to the Superfund list, was completed in February 1991 and was released to the public last July. … Continued