Letter: Andy Anderson's Riposte

posted in: February 1992 | 0

I am in receipt of a fax of your January 1992 “so called publication”. First, you “twisted” the Brash application, and now the Grobes.

I’m now totally convinced. You wouldn’t recognize the truth, if it jumped up and “bit you on the ass”.

You are indeed prejudiced in the area of environment, that you are blind and deaf to the honest truth and facts of law, as they are written.

You only hear what you want to hear. No one else is allowed an opinion or right.

I feel sorry for you.

Happy New Year.

D.G. Anderson

Environment Hawai`i reminds readers that the unauthorized reproduction of Environment Hawai`i, whether by facsimile or photocopy machine, is prohibited by federal law.

Volume 2, Number 8 February 1992